Mark VI is equipped with four main systems as well as 10+ other features.

The four main systems are each covered in sequential order.

A full list of features can be found at the bottom of the page.

*Current Version: 1.2, as of July 2024*

Mark VI Version 1.2 Video

360° View of Supersuit Mark VI

My most daunting project so far, the Mark VI supersuit project began in May of 2023 with an estimated 1000 hours spent to date. It incorporates many cool features inspired by both fictional characters as well as the modern police officer. Mark VI also solves some of the drawbacks of prior supersuit iterations. Unlike Mark IV, it is very easy to put on, consisting of only a vest with a mounted backpack and two wrist gauntlets. Unlike Mark V, it packs a diverse arsenal of firepower and features. This iteration's main focus was practicality; in that respect, Mark VI meets the mark. Rather than just making you feel like Iron Man, the suit also proves to be useful, in part due to the emphasis of Mark VI on compactness and the noninvasive design. Weighing in at 23.5 pounds, Mark VI is very comfortable to wear and operate. Although it looks sleek and compact, Mark VI houses four main systems as well many other features. All systems and features are easily controlled via a touchscreen located on the left gauntlet. The first system is a wrist-mounted spraying device that can be configured to either shoot pepper spray or be a full on flamethrower. System two is a compartment within the backpack that opens with the push of a button and houses a secret system. The third system is a self-deploying shoulder-mounted projectile launcher called the "Ex-Wife," named after a similar weapon mounted on War Machine from Iron Man 2. Recently added in March 2024, the fourth system is a full-auto air-powered ball bearing gun named "Swarm." More information on the main systems can be found further below. Mark VI is mostly 3D printed using an Ender 3 Pro in PLA+ with almost all parts designed in SolidWorks. Exterior parts are strengthened using carbon fiber and epoxy. Additionally, the vest carries a 28 layer Kevlar level IIIA bulletproof chest piece, magnetic AirTag tracker, and has a face cooling fan purposely positioned to resemble Iron Man.

Internal Arduino, Relays, and Sensors

3.2" Touchscreen on Left Gauntlet

SolidWorks Design of Backpack

System 1

Flamethrower/Pepper Spray

Flamethrower Module

Pressure Readout

Sprayer Module

Propane Cylinder

Valve System

Gauntlet Design

The sprayer system is located on the left part of the backpack and the left side of the gauntlet. A propane cylinder or alternate tank attaches to a valve system which is pressurized to 250 psi using a pump. Any liquid may be input into the system, but the intended uses are for propane with the flamethrower module and bear or pepper spray for the sprayer module. When activated, the module mounted on a linear actuator extends away from the gauntlet. The added clearance helps to keep the heat from the flame or pepper spray away from the hand. A pressure transducer built into the system shows the live reading of the pressure left in the tank on the touchscreen. After the actuator fully extends, when the button on the gauntlet is pressed a high flow solenoid valve opens on the backpack allowing the pressurized liquid to travel through tubing and shoot out of the nozzle. As upgrades from Mark IV, the Mark VI flamethrower solenoid has a much larger orifice which allows for greater flow. Additionally, liquid propane is expelled out of the nozzle rather than gas. These upgrades allow the Mark VI flamethrower to reach out 15 feet. The sprayer shoots 25 feet when using pepper spray.

Flamethrower Functionality Diagram

System 2

Latch-Open Compartment

With the push of a button on the touchscreen, a latch opens at the bottom of the backpack via linear actuator so that the system may be removed. The compartment was designed to match the shape and magnetically hold system two in place. The contents of system two are currently secret.

SolidWorks Design of Compartment (top), Latch Control Button (bottom)

System 2 Compartment

System 3

Shoulder-Mounted Projectile Launcher

*Upgraded with Mark VI Version 1.2*

The Ex-Wife is a shoulder-mounted projectile launcher named after the anticlimactic weapon from Iron Man 2. With the push of an activation button, a servo raises the device over the right shoulder where it can be fired by pressing the "Fire" button on the touchscreen. A green laser sight automatically turns on when the Ex-Wife is deployed to show where the projectile will impact. Arrows on the touchscreen allow the angle of the device to be adjusted up or down. The firing mechanism works with a high-torque servo pulling back a spring then releasing it, activating a nail gun blank. A dart slid over the barrel tube is then accelerated to a powerful 230 feet/sec. When deactivated, the servo returns the Ex-Wife to its original position where the laser is turned off and it can no longer be fired until reactivated.

Stowed Ex-Wife

Deployed Ex-Wife (top), Projectile (bottom)

Firing Mechanism Diagram

Ex-Wife Firing Mechanism Prototype

System 4

Wrist-Mounted Ball Bearing Gun

*Added with Mark VI Version 1.1*

Swarm Gun Functionality Diagram (above), Alternate Angle of Swarm Gun (top right), STL File of Bearing Feed Path Part (lower right)

Recently added to Mark VI in March of 2024, the Swarm Gun is an air-powered bearing gun mounted on the right forearm, named after its ability to rapidly strike like a swarm of angry bees. It is the same system as those implemented in Marks IV and V, except that it shoots a steady stream of an impressive twenty-three 1/4" ball bearings per second (1400 rounds per minute), almost three times the rate of previous iterations. The bearings travel at over 275 feet per second, each carrying around 2.6 foot-pounds of energy. The device has a capacity of 130 bearings, which are stored in a spring-powered double-stack tube magazine that runs down the right arm. The bearings are fed into the proven pneumatic reload system where they are expelled one at a time. The Swarm Gun is powered by a 13 ci air tank (4500 psi max pressure) inside a special compartment that replaces the old storage area. An air line at around 1100 psi runs down the right arm and connects to the compact device. An optional 8" removable barrel is screwed into place before operation to provide more power and a remote trigger handle is held in the right hand to activate the Swarm Gun.

Bearing Gun Functionality Diagram (above), Swarm Gun on Right Wrist (right)

Full List of Features:

600 lm 19 function front red LED light

▪ 100 lm wrist white LED light

▪ 3000 mAh battery with voltage battery percent readout

▪ Device charger

▪ Level IIIA bulletproof front

▪ Front magnetic tool holder

▪ 17 CFM face cooling fan

▪ 3.2" Nextion touchscreen

▪ Arduino Uno microcontroller

▪ AirTag tracking module, magnetic

▪ Wrist-mounted pepper spray/flamethrower with pressure readout

▪ Backpack secret system compartment

▪ Ex-Wife shoulder-mounted projectile launcher

Removable storage compartment

▪ Med kit

▪ Custom Mark VI tool kit

▪ Humidity and temperature readout

▪ *Added with Mark VI Version 1.1* - Swarm Gun: wrist-mounted bearing gun

Microcontroller Code

Mark VI is controlled by an Arduino Uno along with a Nextion Display. A bit of code is required to interface the two together and perform functions such as activating relays, taking measurements, and controlling servos and linear actuators. After multiple attempts at interfacing, I found it most effective to use the Iteadlib Nextion Library for this project. 

Mark VI Code